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Table-Value-Function, generate a temporary table named backends. This tvf is used to view the information of BE nodes in the doris cluster.

This function is used in FROM clauses.



The table schema of backends() tvf:

mysql> desc function backends();
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| BackendId | BIGINT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| Cluster | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| IP | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| HostName | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| HeartbeatPort | INT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| BePort | INT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| HttpPort | INT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| BrpcPort | INT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| LastStartTime | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| LastHeartbeat | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| Alive | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| SystemDecommissioned | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| ClusterDecommissioned | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| TabletNum | BIGINT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| DataUsedCapacity | BIGINT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| AvailCapacity | BIGINT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| TotalCapacity | BIGINT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| UsedPct | DOUBLE | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| MaxDiskUsedPct | DOUBLE | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| RemoteUsedCapacity | BIGINT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| Tag | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| ErrMsg | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| Version | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| Status | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| HeartbeatFailureCounter | INT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
| NodeRole | TEXT | No | false | NULL | NONE |
26 rows in set (0.04 sec)

The information displayed by the backends tvf is basically consistent with the information displayed by the show backends statement. However, the types of each field in the backends tvf are more specific, and you can use the backends tvf to perform operations such as filtering and joining.


mysql> select * from backends()\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
BackendId: 10022
Cluster: default_cluster
HeartbeatPort: 9159
BePort: 9169
HttpPort: 8149
BrpcPort: 8169
LastStartTime: 2023-03-24 14:37:00
LastHeartbeat: 2023-03-27 20:25:35
Alive: true
SystemDecommissioned: false
ClusterDecommissioned: false
TabletNum: 21
DataUsedCapacity: 0
AvailCapacity: 787460558849
TotalCapacity: 3169589592064
UsedPct: 75.155756416520319
MaxDiskUsedPct: 75.155756416551881
RemoteUsedCapacity: 0
Tag: {"location" : "default"}
Version: doris-0.0.0-trunk-8de51f96f3
Status: {"lastSuccessReportTabletsTime":"2023-03-27 20:24:55","lastStreamLoadTime":-1,"isQueryDisabled":false,"isLoadDisabled":false}
HeartbeatFailureCounter: 0
NodeRole: mix
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

