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Accessing Doris Cluster

Access using ClusterIP mode​

Doris provides ClusterIP access mode by default on Kubernetes. The ClusterIP access mode provides an internal IP address within a Kubernetes cluster through which services are exposed. With ClusterIP mode, access is only possible within the cluster.

  1. Configure and use ClusterIP as the Service type

Doris provides ClusterIP access mode by default on Kubernetes. No modification is required to use ClusterIP access mode.

  1. Get Service

After deploying the cluster, you can view the services exposed by Doris Operator through the following command:

kubectl -n doris get svc

The return result is as follows:

NAME                              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                               AGE
doriscluster-sample-be-internal ClusterIP None <none> 9050/TCP 9m
doriscluster-sample-be-service ClusterIP <none> 9060/TCP,8040/TCP,9050/TCP,8060/TCP 9m
doriscluster-sample-fe-internal ClusterIP None <none> 9030/TCP 14m
doriscluster-sample-fe-service ClusterIP <none> 8030/TCP,9020/TCP,9030/TCP,9010/TCP 14m

In the above results, FE and BE have two types of Services, with the suffixes internal and service respectively:

  • Service services with the suffix internal can only be used for Doris internal communication, such as heartbeat, data exchange and other operations, and are not used externally.
  • Service services with the service suffix can be provided to users
  1. Access Doris inside the container

Use the following command to create a pod containing the mysql client in the current Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl run mysql-client --image=mysql:5.7 -it --rm --restart=Never --namespace=doris -- /bin/bash

In the container in the cluster, you can use the externally exposed service name with the suffix service to access the Doris cluster:

## Use service type pod name to access the Doris cluster
mysql -uroot -P9030 -hdoriscluster-sample-fe-service

Access using NodePort mode​

If users need to access Doris outside the Kubernetes cluster, they can choose to use NodePort mode.

  1. Plan NodePort mode port mapping

To use and maintain Doris cluster, users need to access the following ports:

port namedefault portport description
Query Port9030Used to access Doris cluster through MySQL protocol
HTTP Port8030http server port on FE, used to view FE information
Web Server Port8040http server port on BE, used to view BE information

There are two ways of port allocation using NodePort:

  • Dynamic allocation: If port mapping is not explicitly set, Kubernetes will automatically allocate an unused port when creating a pod (the default range is 30000-32767);
  • Static allocation: If port mapping is explicitly specified, Kubernetes will fixedly allocate the port when the port is not in use without conflict.

Kubernetes uses dynamic port allocation by default. If you need to plan the port in advance, you need to specify it explicitly in Custom Resource. In the following example, the Doris port is mapped:

replicas: 3
type: NodePort
- nodePort: 31001
targetPort: 8030
- nodePort: 31002
targetPort: 8040
- nodePort: 31003
targetPort: 9030
replicas: 3
type: NodePort
- nodePort: 31005
targetPort: 9060
- nodePort: 31006
targetPort: 8040
- nodePort: 31007
targetPort: 9050
- nodePort: 31008
targetPort: 8060
  1. Configure using NodePort as Service type

Custom DorisCluster resource to use NodePort mode with BE, the specific changes are as follows:

replicas: 3
type: NodePort
replicas: 3
type: NodePort
  1. Get Service

After deploying the cluster, you can view the services exposed by Doris Operator through the following command:

kubectl get service

The return result is as follows:

kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 169d
doriscluster-sample-fe-internal ClusterIP None <none> 9030/TCP 2d
doriscluster-sample-fe-service NodePort <none> 8030:31041/TCP,9020:30783/TCP,9030:31545/TCP,9010:31610/TCP 2d
doriscluster-sample-be-internal ClusterIP None <none> 9050/TCP 2d
doriscluster-sample-be-service NodePort <none> 9060:30940/TCP,8040:32713/TCP,9050:30621/TCP,8060:30926/TCP 2d

Doris's Query Port defaults to 9030, which is mapped to local port 31545 locally. When accessing the Doris cluster, you need to obtain the corresponding IP address, which can be viewed with the following command:

kubectl get nodes -owide

The return result is as follows:

r60 Ready control-plane 14d v1.28.2 <none> CentOS Stream 8 4.18.0-294.el8.x86_64 containerd://1.6.22
r61 Ready <none> 14d v1.28.2 <none> CentOS Stream 8 4.18.0-294.el8.x86_64 containerd://1.6.22
r62 Ready <none> 14d v1.28.2 <none> CentOS Stream 8 4.18.0-294.el8.x86_64 containerd://1.6.22
r63 Ready <none> 14d v1.28.2 <none> CentOS Stream 8 4.18.0-294.el8.x86_64 containerd://1.6.22

In NodePort mode, you can access services in the Kubernetes cluster based on the host IP and port mapping of any node. In this example, you can use any node IP,,,, to access the Doris service. For example, in the following example, the node node and the mapped query port port 31545 are used to access the cluster:

mysql -h -P 31545 -uroot

Stream Load ErrorURL Redirect​

Stream Load is a synchronous import mode provided by Doris. It is an efficient way to import local files into Doris. In the case of physical or virtual machine deployment, directly use http to initiate an import data request to FE, and FE will redirect the request to the BE service through the 301 mechanism to execute the write request. On Kubernetes, FE and BE use Service as the method of service discovery. In situations where a proxy is used to mask the internal real address to provide service discovery, the address of the BE (the real address used for internal communication within the service) returned using FE 301 cannot be accessed. On Kubernetes, you need to use BE's Service address to import data.

As in the following example, Stream Load ErrorUrl returns the result http://doriscluster-sample-be-2.doriscluster-sample-be-internal.doris.svc.cluster.local:8040/api/_load_error_log?file=__shard_1/error_log_insert_stmt_af474190276a2e9c-49bb9d175b8e968e_af474190276a2e9c_49bb9d175b8e968e

View ErrorURL inside the container​

If you perform Stream Load inside Kubernetes, you can directly use the error address returned by Stream Load to obtain a detailed error report.

In the return result of the above example, you can directly obtain the return result through the curl command in the Pod in the same Kubernetes cluster:

curl http://doriscluster-sample-be-2.doriscluster-sample-be-internal.doris.svc.cluster.local:8040/api/_load_error_log?file=__shard_1/error_log_insert_stmt_af474190276a2e9c-49bb9d175b8e968e_af474190276a2e9c_49bb9d175b8e968e

View ErrorURL outside the container​

An error occurs when importing data using Stream Load from outside Kubernetes. The returned error address cannot be directly accessed outside Kubernetes to obtain a detailed error report. In the Kubernetes environment, you need to use a customized Service proxy to detect the pod where an error occurred. Configure the customized Service in an externally accessible mode and obtain a detailed error report by accessing the proxy Service.

The customized Service template is as follows:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app.doris.service/role: debug be
name: doriscluster-detail-error
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
internalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
- IPv4
ipFamilyPolicy: SingleStack
- name: webserver-port
port: 8040
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8040
selector: be ${podName}
sessionAffinity: None
type: ${ServiceType}


  • ${podName} represents the third-level domain name of the pod where the error currently occurs. For example, in the above example, the pod name needs to be filled in doriscluster-sample-be-2
  • ${ServiceType} is the deployed Service type, you can choose NodePort or LoadBalancer

Since the pod name returned by each stream load may be different, please delete the customized Service after obtaining the detailed error information of the stream load.

NodePort Mode

  1. Deploy NodePort Service

Follow the service in the above example, replace ${podName} in CR with doriscluster-sample-be-2, and replace ${ServiceType} with NodePort. Use the kubectl apply command to create the service service in the same namespace of the doris cluster.

kubectl -n {namespace} apply -f strem_load_get_error.yaml
  1. Build access commands

Use the following command to view the NodePort assigned by the above deployment Service:

kubectl get service -n doris doriscluster-detail-error

The return result is as follows:

NAME                              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)            AGE
doriscluster-detail-error NodePort <none> 8040:31201/TCP 32s

The BE port accessed by Stream Load is 8040, and the host port (NodePort) corresponding to 8040 in the above Service is 31201.

Get the host address controlled by K8s:

kubectl get node -owide

The return result is as follows:

vm-10-8-centos Ready <none> 226d v1.28.7 <none> TencentOS Server 3.1 (Final) 5.4.119-19-0009.3 containerd://1.6.28
vm-10-7-centos Ready <none> 19d v1.28.7 <none> TencentOS Server 3.1 (Final) 5.4.119-19.0009.25 containerd://1.6.28

Use any of the above hosts INTERNAL-IP and get the host port to build an access address using NodePort mode to get error details. In NodePort mode, the address for obtaining error details is spliced into Host IP:NodePort, then the accessible address of the case is Replace the access address in the returned error address information to obtain the accessible error information. Available addresses for details:

Use the above command to obtain detailed error information of Stream Load.

LoadBalancer Mode

  1. Deploy and obtain error details Service

Assume that the error address of the Stream Load range is as follows:


The domain name address of the above address is doriscluster-sample-be-2.doriscluster-sample-be-internal.doris.svc.cluster.local. Among the domain names used by pods deployed by Doris Operator on Kubernetes, the third level The domain name is the name of the pod. Replace {podName} in the above template with the real pod name, replace {serviceType} with LoadBalancer, and save the changes to the newly created stream_load_get_error.yaml file. Use the following command to deploy service:

kubectl -n {namespace} apply -f strem_load_get_error.yaml
  1. Build access commands

Use the following command to view the LoadBalaner address EXTERNAL-IP assigned by the above deployment Service. The following is a test instance in aws eks:

kubectl get service -n doris doriscluster-detail-error

The return result is as follows:

NAME                         TYPE          CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                              PORT(S)           AGE
doriscluster-detail-error LoadBalancer 8040:32003/TCP 14s

The above Service obtains the LoadBalancer address assigned by the K8s cluster as ac4828493dgrftb884g67wg4tb68gyut`` In LoadBalancer mode, the port is still the listening port for deployment deployment. In LoadBalancer mode , the address to obtain error details is spliced into "EXTERNAL-IP:listener-port". In the above example, the address to obtain error details is The address to obtain detailed error information is as follows: