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Common Tuning Parameters

ParameterDescriptionDefault ValueUsage Scenario
enable_nereids_plannerWhether to enable the new optimizerTRUEFor scenarios such as low-version upgrades, initially set to false; after upgrading, it can be set to true
enable_nereids_dmlWhether to enable DML support for the new optimizerTRUEFor scenarios such as low-version upgrades, initially set to false; after upgrading, it can be set to true
parallel_pipeline_task_numPipeline parallelism0For scenarios such as low-version upgrades, this value was previously set to a fixed value; after upgrading, it can be set to 0, indicating that the system's adaptive strategy determines the parallelism
runtime_filter_modeRuntime Filter typeGLOBALFor scenarios such as low-version upgrades, this value was NONE, indicating that Runtime Filter was not enabled; after upgrading, it can be set to GLOBAL, indicating that Runtime Filter is enabled by default