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Query Cancelled After Process Memory Exceeded

When MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED appears in the error message of query or import and contains Process memory not enough, it means that the process is canceled due to insufficient available memory.

Analysis steps:

  1. Analyze the error message and clarify the cause of the error.

  2. If the memory of the query or import itself is too large, try to reduce its memory usage.

  3. If the memory of processes other than query and import is too large, try to analyze the memory log, try to locate the memory location and consider reducing memory usage to reserve more memory for query and import execution.

Error message analysis​

There are two situations when the available memory of the process is insufficient. One is that the current memory of the process exceeds the configured memory limit, and the other is that the remaining available memory of the system is lower than the water mark. There are three paths that will cancel tasks such as queries:

  • If the error message contains cancel top memory used, it means that the task is canceled in the memory Full GC.

  • If the error message contains cancel top memory overcommit, it means that the task is canceled in the memory Minor GC.

  • If the error message contains Allocator sys memory check failed, it means that the task failed to apply for memory from Doris Allocator and was canceled.

After analyzing the error message below,

  • If the memory used by the query and import itself accounts for a large proportion of the process memory, refer to [Query or import own memory is too large] to analyze the memory usage of the query and import, and try to adjust parameters or optimize SQL to reduce the memory required for execution.

  • If the task itself uses very little memory, refer to [Process memory other than query and import is too large] to try to reduce the memory usage of other locations in the process, so as to reserve more memory for query and other task execution.

For more information about memory limits, watermark calculation methods, and memory GC, see Memory Control Strategy

1 Canceled in memory Full GC​

If the BE process memory exceeds the process memory upper limit (MemLimit) or the system's remaining available memory is lower than the memory low watermark (LowWaterMark), Full GC is triggered. At this time, the task with the largest memory will be canceled first.

ERROR 1105 (HY000): errCode = 2, detailMessage = ([MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED]Process memory not enough, cancel top memory used query: <Query#Id=e862471398b14e71-9361a1ab8153cb29> consumption 866.97 MB, backend, process memory used 3.12 GB exceed limit 3.01 GB or sys available memory 191.25 GB less than low water mark 3.20 GB. Execute again after enough memory, details see be.INFO.

Error message analysis:

  1. ( BE node with insufficient memory during query.

  2. query: <Query#Id=e862471398b14e71-9361a1ab8153cb29> consumption 866.97 MB: The currently canceled queryID, the query itself uses 866.97 MB of memory.

  3. process memory used 3.12 GB exceed limit 3.01 GB or sys available memory 191.25 GB less than low water mark 3.20 GB The reason for the process memory exceeding the limit is that the physical memory used by the BE process, 3.12 GB, exceeds the MemLimit of 3.01 GB. The current operating system has 191.25 GB of memory available for BE to use, which is still higher than the LowWaterMark of 3.20 GB.

2 Canceled in Minor GC of memory​

If the Doris BE process memory exceeds the process memory soft limit (SoftMemLimit) or the system's remaining available memory is lower than the memory warning watermark (WarningWaterMark), Minor GC is triggered. At this time, the query with the largest memory limit ratio will be canceled first.

``sql ERROR 1105 (HY000): errCode = 2, detailMessage = ([MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED]Process memory not enough, cancel top memory overcommit query: <Query#Id=e862471398b14e71-9361a1ab8153cb29> consumption 866.97 MB, backend, process memory used 2.12 GB exceed soft limit 2.71 GB or sys available memory 3.25 GB less than warning water mark 6.40 GB. Execute again after enough memory, details see be.INFO. ```` Error message analysis: process memory used 3.12 GB exceed soft limit 6.02 GB or sys available memory 3.25 GB less than warning water mark 6.40 GB` The reason for the process memory exceeding the limit is that the remaining memory available to BE in the current operating system is 3.25 GB, which is lower than the WarningWaterMark of 6.40 GB, and the physical memory used by the BE process is 2.12 GB, which does not exceed the SoftMemLimit of 2.71 GB.

3 Failed to apply for memory from Allocator​

Doris BE's large memory application will be allocated through Doris Allocator, and the memory size will be checked during allocation. If the process has insufficient available memory, an exception will be thrown and an attempt will be made to Cancel the current query or import.

``sql ERROR 1105 (HY000): errCode = 2, detailMessage = ([MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED]PreCatch error code:11, [E11] Allocator sys memory check failed: Cannot alloc:4294967296, consuming tracker:<Query#Id=457efb1fdae74d3 b-b4fffdcfd4baaf32>, peak used 405956032, current used 386704704, exec node:<>, process memory used 2.23 GB exceed limit 3.01 GB or sys available memory 181.67 GB less than low water mark 3.20 GB. ```` Error message analysis: 1. consuming tracker:<Query#Id=457efb1fdae74d3b-b4fffdcfd4baaf32>, peak used 405956032, current used 386704704, exec node:VAGGREGATION_NODE (id=7)>: The queryID currently being canceled, the query currently uses 386704704 Bytes of memory, the query memory peak is 405956032 Bytes, and the operator being executed is VAGGREGATION_NODE (id=7)>`.

  1. Cannot alloc:4294967296: The current application for 4 GB of memory failed because the current process memory of 2.23 GB plus 4 GB will exceed the MemLimit of 3.01 GB.

Query or import own memory is too large​

Refer to Query Memory Analysis or Import Memory Analysis to analyze the memory usage of query and import, and try to adjust parameters or optimize SQL to reduce the memory required for execution.

It should be noted that if the task fails to apply for memory from Allocator and is Canceled, Cannot alloc or try alloc will show that the memory currently being applied for by Query is too large. At this time, you need to pay attention to whether the memory application here is reasonable. Search Allocator sys memory check failed in be/log/be.INFO to find the stack of memory application.

Process memory other than query and import is too large​

When the task is Canceled due to insufficient available memory in the process, the process memory statistics log can be found in be/log/be.INFO. Refer to Memory Log Analysis to find the Memory Tracker Summary in the log, and then refer to the [Memory Tracker Statistics Missing] section in Memory Tracker to analyze whether Memory Tracker has statistics missing.

If Memory Tracker has statistics missing, refer to the [Memory Tracker Statistics Missing] section for further analysis. Otherwise, Memory Tracker has counted most of the memory and there is no statistics missing. Refer to Overview to analyze the reasons why different parts of the Doris BE process occupy too much memory and how to reduce its memory usage.

In addition, pay attention to the problem of Query Cancel stuck. Full GC will first cancel Query according to memory from large to small, and then cancel Load according to memory from large to small. If a query is canceled during a memory Full GC, but there are other queries in the BE process that use more memory than the currently canceled query, you need to pay attention to whether these queries with larger memory are stuck during the Cancel process. Usually, you can run grep queryID be/log/be.INFO with larger memory to check whether these queries with larger memory have triggered Cancel, and compare the Cancel time with the current Full GC time. If the interval is long (greater than 3s), then these queries with larger memory stuck during the Cancel process cannot release memory, which will also cause insufficient memory for subsequent query execution.