使用 Leading Hint 控制 Join 顺序
Leading Hint 特性允许用户手工指定查询中的表的连接顺序,在特定场景优化复杂查询性能。本文将详细介绍如何在 Doris 中使用 Leading Hint 来控制 join 的顺序。详细使用说明,可参考leading hint文档。
当前 Doris 已经具备良好的开箱即用的能力,也就意味着在绝大多数场景下,Doris 会自适应的优化各种场景下的性能,无需用户来手工控制 hint 来进行业务调优。本章介绍的内容主要面向专业调优人员,业务人员仅做简单了解即可。
案例 1:调整左右表顺序
mysql> explain shape plan select from t1 join t2 on t1.c1 = t2.c2;
| _Explain_ String(Nereids Planner) |
| PhysicalResultSink |
| --PhysicalDistribute[DistributionSpecGather] |
| ----PhysicalProject |
| ------hashJoin[INNER_JOIN] hashCondition=((t1.c1 = t2.c2)) otherCondition=() |
| --------PhysicalOlapScan[t1] |
| --------PhysicalDistribute[DistributionSpecHash] |
| ----------PhysicalOlapScan[t2] |
可以使用 Leading Hint,强制指定 join order 为 t2 join t1,调整原始连接顺序。
mysql> explain shape plan select /*+ leading(t2 t1) */ * from t1 join t2 on t1.c1 = t2.c2;
| _Explain_ String(Nereids Planner) |
| PhysicalResultSink |
| --PhysicalDistribute[DistributionSpecGather] |
| ----PhysicalProject |
| ------hashJoin[INNER_JOIN] hashCondition=((t1.c1 = t2.c2)) otherCondition=() |
| --------PhysicalOlapScan[t2] |
| --------PhysicalDistribute[DistributionSpecHash] |
| ----------PhysicalOlapScan[t1] |
| |
| Hint log: |
| Used: leading(t2 t1) |
| UnUsed: |
| SyntaxError: |
Hint log 展示了应用成功的 hint: Used: leading(t2 t1)
案例 2:强制生成左深树
mysql> explain shape plan select /*+ leading(t1 t2 t3) */ * from t1 join t2 on t1.c1 = t2.c2 join t3 on t2.c2 = t3.c3;
| _Explain_ String(Nereids Planner) |
| PhysicalResultSink |
| --PhysicalDistribute[DistributionSpecGather] |
| ----PhysicalProject |
| ------hashJoin[INNER_JOIN] hashCondition=((t2.c2 = t3.c3)) otherCondition=() |
| --------hashJoin[INNER_JOIN] hashCondition=((t1.c1 = t2.c2)) otherCondition=() |
| ----------PhysicalOlapScan[t1] |
| ----------PhysicalDistribute[DistributionSpecHash] |
| ------------PhysicalOlapScan[t2] |
| --------PhysicalDistribute[DistributionSpecHash] |
| ----------PhysicalOlapScan[t3] |
| |
| Hint log: |
| Used: leading(t1 t2 t3) |
| UnUsed: |
| SyntaxError: |
同样,Hint log 展示了应用成功的 hint: Used: leading(t1 t2 t3)
案例 3:强制生成右深树
mysql> explain shape plan select /*+ leading(t1 {t2 t3}) */ * from t1 join t2 on t1.c1 = t2.c2 join t3 on t2.c2 = t3.c3;
| _Explain_ String(Nereids Planner) |
| PhysicalResultSink |
| --PhysicalDistribute[DistributionSpecGather] |
| ----PhysicalProject |
| ------hashJoin[INNER_JOIN] hashCondition=((t1.c1 = t2.c2)) otherCondition=() |
| --------PhysicalOlapScan[t1] |
| --------PhysicalDistribute[DistributionSpecHash] |
| ----------hashJoin[INNER_JOIN] hashCondition=((t2.c2 = t3.c3)) otherCondition=() |
| ------------PhysicalOlapScan[t2] |
| ------------PhysicalDistribute[DistributionSpecHash] |
| --------------PhysicalOlapScan[t3] |
| |
| Hint log: |
| Used: leading(t1 { t2 t3 }) |
| UnUsed: |
| SyntaxError: |
同样,Hint log 展示了应用成功的 hint: Used: leading(t1 { t2 t3 })
案例 4:强制生成 bushy 树
mysql> explain shape plan select /*+ leading({t1 t2} {t3 t4}) */ * from t1 join t2 on t1.c1 = t2.c2 join t3 on t2.c2 = t3.c3 join t4 on t3.c3 = t4.c4;
| _Explain_ String |
| PhysicalResultSink |
| --PhysicalDistribute |
| ----PhysicalProject |
| ------hashJoin[INNER_JOIN](t2.c2 = t3.c3) |
| --------hashJoin[INNER_JOIN](t1.c1 = t2.c2) |
| ----------PhysicalOlapScan[t1] |
| ----------PhysicalDistribute |
| ------------PhysicalOlapScan[t2] |
| --------PhysicalDistribute |
| ----------hashJoin[INNER_JOIN](t3.c3 = t4.c4) |
| ------------PhysicalOlapScan[t3] |
| ------------PhysicalDistribute |
| --------------PhysicalOlapScan[t4] |
| |
| Used: leading({ t1 t2 } { t3 t4 }) |
| UnUsed: |
| SyntaxError: |
同样,Hint log 展示了应用成功的 hint: Used: leading({ t1 t2 } { t3 t4 })
案例 5:view 作为整体参与连接
mysql> explain shape plan select /*+ leading(alias t1) */ count(*) from t1 join (select c2 from t2 join t3 on t2.c2 = t3.c3) as alias on t1.c1 = alias.c2;
| _Explain_ String(Nereids Planner) |
| PhysicalResultSink |
| --hashAgg[GLOBAL] |
| ----PhysicalDistribute[DistributionSpecGather] |
| ------hashAgg[LOCAL] |
| --------PhysicalProject |
| ----------hashJoin[INNER_JOIN] hashCondition=((t1.c1 = alias.c2)) otherCondition=() |
| ------------PhysicalProject |
| --------------hashJoin[INNER_JOIN] hashCondition=((t2.c2 = t3.c3)) otherCondition=() |
| ----------------PhysicalProject |
| ------------------PhysicalOlapScan[t2] |
| ----------------PhysicalDistribute[DistributionSpecHash] |
| ------------------PhysicalProject |
| --------------------PhysicalOlapScan[t3] |
| ------------PhysicalDistribute[DistributionSpecHash] |
| --------------PhysicalProject |
| ----------------PhysicalOlapScan[t1] |
| |
| Hint log: |
| Used: leading(alias t1) |
| UnUsed: |
| SyntaxError: |
同样,Hint log 展示了应用成功的 hint: Used: leading(alias t1)
案例 6:DistributeHint 与 LeadingHint 混用
explain shape plan
sum(amount) as sum_profit
/*+ leading(orders shuffle {lineitem shuffle part} shuffle {supplier broadcast nation} shuffle partsupp) */
n_name as nation,
extract(year from o_orderdate) as o_year,
l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) - ps_supplycost * l_quantity as amount
s_suppkey = l_suppkey
and ps_suppkey = l_suppkey
and ps_partkey = l_partkey
and p_partkey = l_partkey
and o_orderkey = l_orderkey
and s_nationkey = n_nationkey
and p_name like '%green%'
) as profit
group by
order by
o_year desc;
上述 /*+ leading(orders shuffle {lineitem shuffle part} shuffle {supplier broadcast nation} shuffle partsupp) */
hint 指定方式,混用了 leading 和 distribute hint 两种格式。leading 用于控制总体的表之间的相对 join 顺序,而 shuffle
和 broadcast
分别用于指定特定 join 使用何种 shuffle 方式。通过两种结合使用,可以灵活的控制连接顺序和连接方式,便于手工控制用户期望的计划行为。
- 建议使用 EXPLAIN 来仔细分析执行计划,以确保 Leading Hint 能达到预期的效果。
- Doris 版本升级或者业务数据变更时,应重新评估 Leading Hint 的效果,做到及时记录和调整。
Leading Hint 是一种强大的可以手工控制连接顺序的功能,于此同时,也可以和 shuffle hint 结合使用,同时控制 join 分发方式,进而优化查询性能。注意这种高级特性,应当在充分理解查询特性及数据分布的基础上谨慎使用。